Sashes and tassels
Sashes and tassels
We distinguish between models that are worn from the shoulder to the hip.
This is very common for flag delegations and their escorts.
We use a variety of fabrics, such as satin silk, grosgrain, cotton fabric, or similar materials.
The so-called shoulder bands are actually grosgrain ribbons, possibly about 60 mm for women and 100 mm for men.
They are primarily used for the King’s Orders or the German Federal Cross of Merit.
We follow the respective order regulations very closely.
Sashes and tassels are handcrafted products made by us, usually slipped onto a base or field belt.
Such products are worn around the waist.
Viscose colors or foil yarns in aluminum, silver, or gold are especially in demand here.
Very often, a second color, known as a national color, is incorporated.
Mayor's sashes have a tradition in the Benelux countries.
For example, we have already supplied products for France and Belgium.
There are often differences between the first mayor and their deputy, which are usually recognized by the color of the tassels.